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What resources support teaching about Asian languages?

Resource lists

A man holds an iPad with the AEF homepage

View curated digital resources that gather together Asia-related web links relevant to year-level content descriptions of the Australian Curriculum: Languages.

Learning and teaching resources

Login to Scootle to explore the Language Learning Space for Chinese, Indonesian and Japanese.

How is the Australian Curriculum: Languages organised?

The Australian Curriculum: Languages for Chinese and Indonesian is available for use in states and territories. 

The Australian Curriculum states that:

Languages is organised through two interrelated strands:
  • communicating: using language for communicative purposes in interpreting, creating and exchanging meaning
  • understanding: analysing language and culture as a resource for interpreting and creating meaning.
The strands reflect three important aspects of language learning:
  • communication
  • analysis of aspects of language and culture
  • reflection.

From Languages content structure in the Australian Curriculum: Languages.


Images: Language Learning Space screenshot – ESA; What Works cover – AEF

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