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What is an Asia capable curriculum?

IDENTIFY opportunities to embed the Asia priority into school curriculum.

BUILD capacity to support others in developing intercultural understanding.

DEVELOP a scope and sequence of Asia content that can be taught.

EXPLORE teaching and learning resources to support a curriculum for Asia capability.

Asia Capable Curriculum

The Asia capable leader facilitates teaching and learning for Asia capability by:

  • ensuring staff know the content and pedagogy for high-quality teaching and learning about Asia
  • ensuring teachers have access to a range of teaching and learning resources to support a curriculum for Asia capability.

The Australian Curriculum's Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia cross-curriculum priority and Intercultural understanding general capability provide the framework to implement a curriculum for Asia capability.

Asia and Australia's engagement with Asia

The Asia and Australia's engagement with Asia cross-curriculum priority provides a regional context for learning. It reflects Australia’s extensive engagement with Asia in social, cultural, political and economic spheres ... An understanding of Asia builds the capacity of Australian students to be active and informed citizens working together to build harmonious local, regional and global communities; and to build Australia's social, intellectual and creative capital. It builds understanding of the diversity of cultures and peoples living in Australia, fosters social inclusion and cohesion and is vital to the prosperity of Australia.

From The Australian Curriculum: Asia and Australia's engagement with Asia 

Organising ideas

Organising ideas for the Asia and Australia's engagement with Asia priority are embedded in the content descriptions and elaborations of learning areas/subjects. 


Organising ideas

Asia and its diversity
OI.1 The peoples and countries of Asia are diverse in ethnic background, traditions, cultures, belief systems and religions.
OI.2 Interrelationships between humans and the diverse environments in Asia shape the region and have global implications.
Achievements and contributions of the peoples of Asia
OI.3 The peoples and countries of Asia have contributed and continue to contribute to world history and human endeavour.
OI.4 The arts and literature of Asia influence aesthetic and creative pursuits within Australia, the region and globally.
Asia-Australia engagement
OI.5 Collaboration and engagement with the peoples of Asia support effective regional and global citizenship.
OI.6 Australia is part of the Asia region and our histories from ancient times to the present are linked.
OI.7 Australians play a significant role in social, cultural, political and economic developments in the Asia region.
OI.8 Australians of Asian heritage have influenced Australia's history and continue to influence its dynamic culture and society.

The Australian Curriculum: Asia and Australia's engagement with Asia 

Illustrations of practice

Discover how leaders in these schools build a curriculum for Asia capability.

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