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What is an Asia capable leader?

EXPLORE the Asia capable leader infographic.

CONDUCT a personal audit of features possessed of the Asia capable leader and identify those that can be developed.

IDENTIFY enablers that support the development of Asia capabilities.

SEEK and engage in professional learning to build capacity as a Asia capable leader.

asia-capable-leader_V2 with three

School leaders work with others to build a professional learning community focused on continuous improvement of teaching and learning for Asia capability. They explore strategies that 'enable' Asia capability, such as participation in study programmes to Asia and tertiary study.

The Australian Professional Standard for Principals recognises that the work of today's principals has shifted from local to global.

As a leader of an Australian school, this requires understanding Asia and Australia's engagement with Asia, and the possibilities this holds for learning and teaching in your school.

The Asia Literate Leader_FAAsia capable leader infographic
  • Explore the infographic of an Asia capable leader.
  • Consider the actions a leader can take to lead Asia capability.

Asia Literacy and the Australian Teaching WorkforceThe Asia Literacy and the Australian Teaching Workforce report identifies the features of Asia capable leaders and teachers, and recommends approaches towards building Asia capability in the teaching workforce.

Use the report as a professional reading activity for your leadership team and curriculum leaders. The jigsaw reading activity could be used with your staff to develop a shared understanding of the Asia Literacy and the Australian Teaching Workforce report.


What professional learning supports leaders to become Asia capable?

The Asia Literacy and the Australian Teaching Workforce report identifies five enablers that support leaders to build Asia capability:

  • personal or professional experiences in Asia
  • tertiary study and/or professional learning
  • school connections to the countries of Asia
  • school provides support for Asia related teaching and learning
  • school teaches an Asian language.

Reflecting on your experience

  • Which of these have you previously benefited from?
  • How could you use these enablers to develop your own Asia capabilities?

Illustrations of practice

Video of Sinan Kerimofski, principal, Margaret River Primary School, discussing the importance of a whole-school focus and how he plans for and builds Asia capabilities among staff, students and parent communities. 


As you watch this video consider:

  • What are the features of an Asia capable leader being demonstrated by the school leader?
  • Which features of the Asia capable leader do you possess?
  • What features of the Asia capable leader may you need to develop?

Download the Asia capable leader self-assessment (PDF: 154 KB) to assess your own Asia capabilities.


More school examples 

Discover how these schools lead change for Asia capability within their school communities.


Images: AEF
Videos: AEF

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