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Asia and Australia's engagement with Asia

In the Australian Curriculum: History, Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia cross-curriculum priority provides a number of opportunities for students to learn explicit content about Asia.

The Australian Curriculum: History enables students to develop an understanding of histories of the diverse peoples of Asia and their contributions to the region and the world, and an appreciation of the importance of the region for Australia and the world. This happens as students learn about the importance of the traditions, beliefs and celebrations of peoples from the Asia region and through the study of ancient societies, trade, conflicts, progressive movements and migration to Australia by people from Asia.

From the Australian Curriculum: History – cross-curriculum priorities.

Content relating to Asia is identified – and therefore searchable – in the Australian Curriculum: History.

To identify the opportunities of where to include Asia content view or download the sample map of Asia opportunities in the Australian Curriculum: History.

Illustration of practice

Video of Tom Ryan, head of Humanities at Woodleigh School, discussing how to teach a secondary History class with an Asia focus.


Video: AEF

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