virtual journeykorea for kids

Virtual journey based on Inside King Sejong's Gate
So you've read Inside King Sejong's Gate and you'd like to go to South Korea - the Republic of Korea - but you haven't got the time or the money? What about taking a virtual journey? Virtual means 'in effect though not in fact' so you can get a feel for what it's like to visit South Korea without actually leaving home. Interested? Just settle back in your chair, imagine that our class is going to visit South Korea and click on the map to reach each destination.

If we travelled by plane from Australia it would take about ten hours to reach South Korea or the Republic of Korea (its official name). So don't be impatient if the computer seems slow. It's still much quicker than taking the actual flight! Just imagine that we've been watching an in-flight movie and eating three airline meals.

The Korean peninsula is divided into two countries - South Korea and North Korea. Using the Map of Asia, can you work out which countries are Korea's neighbours?

korea mapshadow