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Professional Learning

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How does an Asia capable teacher lead learning?

IDENTIFY next steps in personal practice to build Asia capability.

DESIGN a professional learning experience for colleagues.

REDESIGN collegially a whole school curriculum for Asia capability. 

BUILD relationships with the school community.

DESIGN activities for the school community that build Intercultural understanding.

Asia capable teachers plan for and engage in high quality targeted opportunities to improve practice drawing on and sharing resources from within and beyond the school. They initiate and engage in professional discussions with colleagues directed at improving professional knowledge and practice, and the educational outcomes of students.

Teachers who lead learning:

  • seek ways to improve their own practice
  • initiate and lead activities, inside and outside the school
  • share their experience with colleagues
  • inspire colleagues to improve their own professional practice
  • represent the school and the teaching profession in the community.

From AITSL: Australian Professional Standards for Teachers

Illustrations of practice


A suite of videos demonstrating how leaders and teachers have led change for Asia capability in their schools and networks.


As you watch this video consider:

  • Which characteristics do these teachers utilise?
  • Which of these characteristics would you like to develop?
  • How do these teachers and leaders support staff with their professional learning?
  • Would these approaches work in your school? Which would work and why?
  • DicksonCollege
  • Nellie Horsington, Dickson College, ACT...more »
  • Willetton
  • Moira Long, Willetton Primary School, WA...more »


Read these illustrations of practice and consider:

  • How have these teachers become Asia capable?
  • What actions did they take to achieve their aims?
  • How did they overcome the challenges they faced?
  • What actions can you could take in your school based on these examples?


Images: Dickson College logo – Dickson College; Willetton Primary School logo – Willetton Primary School
Videos: AEF

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