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Australia-China Digital BRIDGE

AEF Connect 2016

The Australia-China Digital BRIDGE Program is a collaborative, international,  professional learning partnership program for educators across Australia and China.  The program is an initiative funded by the National Foundation for Australia-China Relations and implemented by the Asia Education Foundation at Asialink, The University of Melbourne. 


AITSL Standards

The Australia-China Digital BRIDGE Program has been designed to meet the following AITSL Standards. 

1.3 Students with diverse linguistic, cultural, religious and socioeconomic backgrounds

1.3.1 Demonstrate knowledge of teaching strategies that are responsive to the learning strengths and needs of students from diverse linguistic, cultural, religious and socioeconomic backgrounds.

1.3.2 Design and implement teaching strategies that are responsive to the learning strengths and needs of students from diverse linguistic, cultural, religious and socioeconomic backgrounds.

1.3.3 Support colleagues to develop effective teaching strategies that address the learning strengths and needs of students from diverse linguistic, cultural, religious and socioeconomic backgrounds.

2.6 Information and Communication Technology (ICT)

2.6.1 Implement teaching strategies for using ICT to expand curriculum learning opportunities for students

2.6.2 Use effective teaching strategies to integrate ICT into learning and teaching programs to make selected content relevant and meaningful.

2.6.3 Model high-level teaching knowledge and skills and work with colleagues to use current ICT to improve their teaching practice and make content relevant and meaningful.


3.4 Select and use resources

3.4.1 Demonstrate knowledge of a range of resources, including ICT, that engage students in their learning.

3.4.2 Select and/or create and use a range of resources, including ICT, to engage students in their learning.

3.4.3 Assist colleagues to create, select and use a wide range of resources, including ICT, to engage students in their learning.

6.3 Engage with colleagues and improve practice


6.3.2 Contribute to collegial discussions and apply constructive feedback from colleagues to improve professional knowledge and practice.

6.3.3 Initiate and engage in professional discussions with colleagues in a range of forums to evaluate practice directed at improving professional knowledge and practice, and the educational outcomes of students.


7.4 Engage with professional teaching networks and broader communities


7.4.2 Participate in professional and community networks and forums to broaden knowledge and improve practice

7.4.3 Contribute to professional networks and associations and build productive links with the wider community to improve teaching and learning.


Applications for the 2023 cohort are open until 16th December.

Apply here

For all enquires, please email

Program Funder

The program is supported by the National Foundation for Australia-China Relations. Asia Education Foundation at Asialink, University of Melbourne is proud to be a National Foundation for Australia-China Relations grant recipient.

Disclaimer The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent the views of the Australian Government, the National Foundation for Australia-China Relations or The University of Melbourne.

Privacy Statement  All material received from schools by AEF is accepted on the understanding that such material may only be used: (1) In assessing applications for the Australia-China Digital-BRIDGE Program; (2) In administering the Australia-China Digital-BRIDGE Program; (3) For the purposes of informing the program funders and the public about the outcomes of the Australia-China Digital-BRIDGE Program; (4) All information collected or created will be treated in accordance with the Australian Privacy Act 1988, which prevents personal information from being disclosed without appropriate consent, unless disclosure is required or authorised by law; and (5) Asia Education Foundation may publish the names and school of participants of the 2022 Australia-China Digital-BRIDGE Program for promotion and publicity of the programs. View a copy of our Privacy Notice here

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