Content descriptions:
The shared values of Australian citizenship and the formal rights and responsibilities of Australian citizens (ACHASSK147)
The contribution of individuals and groups to the development of Australian society since Federation (ACHASSK137)
Interacting with others
Clarify understanding of content as it unfolds in formal and informal situations, connecting ideas to students’ own experiences and present and justify a point of view (ACELY1699)
Cross-curriculum priority: Asia and Australia's engagement with Asia
OI.1 The peoples and countries of Asia are diverse in ethnic background, traditions, cultures, belief systems and religions.
OI.3 The peoples and countries of Asia have contributed and continue to contribute to world history and human endeavour.
OI.5 Collaboration and engagement with the peoples of Asia support effective regional and global citizenship.
OI.8 Australians of Asian heritage have influenced Australia's history and continue to influence its dynamic culture and society.
General capability: Intercultural understanding – Recognising culture and developing respect
Students develop intercultural understanding as they learn to value their own cultures, languages and beliefs, and those of others. They come to understand how personal, group and national identities are shaped, and the variable and changing nature of culture. The capability involves students in learning about and engaging with diverse cultures in ways that recognise commonalities and differences, create connections with others and cultivate mutual respect.