This learning sequence examines the waste management strategies of reducing, reusing, recycling and composting. Students have the opportunity to:
record and analyse the waste data for their own lunches and snacks
share their findings with their 'study buddy' (Indonesian sister school counterparts)
plan, create and execute a promotional campaign – 'Kampanye Kurangi Dampak Lingkungan' – to reduce the impact on the environment by promoting the idea of 'reduce, reuse, recycle, compost' for their sister school in Indonesia and their wider school community
create an assessment rubric to evaluate the effectiveness of their campaigns.
Students will undertake the following tasks:
identify and categorise items that can be recycled
record and analyse the waste data from their own lunchboxes
identify ways of monitoring waste volume and where improvements can be made
plan and execute a promotional campaign to promote the 3R's – Reduce, Reuse, Recycle – and Compost
use key vocabulary and phrases relating to waste reduction
develop intercultural understanding about issues with waste in Indonesia (Extension activities).
Prior learning
Before beginning this learning sequence, students should:
know some vocabulary for various foods and drinks, as well as some useful nouns and adjectives
know how to express likes and dislikes in relation to a variety of topics
understand the Indonesian counting system (tens, hundreds and thousands)
know how to address different people appropriately, e.g. Anda,& kamu, Bapak, Ibu.
Activity 1: Waste management practices
Task 1: Tuning in – Mari menonton iklan!
The video excerpts of Indonesian public service announcements and advertisements provide an opportunity for students to become engaged with the strategies of reduce, reuse, recycle and compost; and to further explore the wider issues around waste management.
Task 2: Preparing to find (I) – Belajar cara mind map
Students create an individual mind map that focuses on; reduce (Kurangi), reuse (Pakai lagi), recycle (Daur ulang) and compost (Kompos). Go to References for the Kosa kata (vocabulary list) for an extensive list of Indonesian words, nouns and verbs to describe waste and recycling.
Encourage students to continually go back and work on their mind map to add to it as they work their way through the learning sequence. It is important that students complete their mind map at the end of the learning sequence. This can be used as part of the students' assessment.
Students can use a software programme of their choice to create their mind map.
Task 3: Preparing to find (II) – Tempat sampah yang mana?
Use the Sampah Images slide show to conduct an activity for students to revise/learn various different types of waste vocabulary and labelling of recycling bins.
Firstly, play the slide show and ask students to identify the Indonesian name of each waste item. Once students are familiar with all the vocabulary, present the slide show again. Students should decide which bin they would use for each different waste item. Refer to the Kosa kata (vocabulary list) for relevant words. Students should use the following headings as a guide:
- Daur ulang – Plastik, Gelas, Kaleng (aluminium), Kertas/Karton
- Kompas
- Sampah
Activity 2: Finding out – Memeriksa sampah di dalam kotak makan kamu!
Task 1: Finding out – Memeriksa sampah di dalam kotak makan kamu!
Students conduct an audit on the waste in their lunchboxes. Students can use the Memeriksa sampah di dalam kotak makan template to record their waste expenditure for each day over the period of one week. Students should categorise their lunchbox waste into these categories:
- Daur ulang
- Plastik
- Gelas
- Kaleng (aluminium)
- Kertas/Karton
- Kompos
- Sampah
Task 2: Sorting out – Berapa banyak sampah di dalam kotak makan kamu?
As a whole class discuss the results of the lunchbox waste audit. Students then create a graph to show the results from the lunchbox waste audit. They could use the online software Create a graph.
Facilitate a whole class discussion on the results from the lunchbox waste audit and the students' graphs. This could be followed by students discussing and comparing results with their 'study buddy' in Indonesia.
A further option could be that some students collaborate and create a graph to depict the waste audit as a whole class rather than individually.
Discussion questions:
- Which bins were filled the most?
- Approximately what proportion of your lunchtime waste was collected as recycling rather than rubbish?
- What percentage of your compost was composed of waste?<
- Which was the most common item thrown out? Which was the least common?
- How could you reduce the waste in your lunchbox?
- How much of each category would there be over a month (and/or a year) if the same amount of packaging was collected every week?
Activity 3: Tuning in (again) – Cara Anda membantu kurangi dampak lingkungan
Task 1: Cara Anda membantu kurangi dampak lingkungan
Various Indonesian online materials enable students to explore and delve deeper into the wider issues of waste management and long term sustainability.
As a whole class, discuss the materials provided, particularly the specific language used in the article written by World Wide Fund (WWF) Indonesia. The text is as follows:
- Kurangi, pakai lagi dan daur ulang (Reduce, Reuse and Recycle)
- Bantulah mengurangi tumpukan sampah dunia
- Jangan gunakan produk 'sekali pakai' seperti piring dan sendok kertas atau pisau, garpu dan cangkir plastik
- Gunakan baterai isi ulang
- Pilih kalkulator bertenaga surya
- Simpan makanan dalam wadah keramik, hinder
Ask students to add to the list above (from the WWF article) by brainstorming ways in which they can help reduce the impact on the environment. e.g. Mengganti tas plastik dengan tas kain.
Students can explore other Indonesian materials online to assist in the brainstorm, such as the links provided under the heading Visual Advertisements. Students can use these online materials as a model when creating their own promotional campaigns.
Task 2: Going further – Membuatlah kampanye kurangi dampak lingkungan!
Students are given the opportunity to apply their understandings and Indonesian language skills by creating their own Indonesian promotional campaign – 'Kampanye Kurangi Dampak Lingkungan'. Their campaigns are to educate and encourage others to 'Reduce the impact on the environment' through the use of; reduce, reuse, recycle and compost for their Indonesian sister school and wider school community.
Students may work individually or in pairs to plan and execute a promotional campaign of their choice such as a poster or a video.
Students investigate Indonesian promotional advertisements online (such as those they have viewed previously in this learning sequence) and use these as models for their own promotional campaigns. A discussion about relevant language/text and visual materials to be used would be useful.
Your Indonesian sister school could also complete the same task and share their promotional campaign with your students, school and the wider school community.
Before creating the promotional advertisement video, ensure that the whole class has collaborated on outlining all the assessment points for this task, which will form the rubric.
Task 3: Making Connections – Kerja bersama!
Students share their Kampanye Kurangi Dampak Lingkungan with their sister school in Indonesia via Skype, email, wiki or blog.
Task 4: Assessment – Asesmen
As previously discussed with the class, students assess themselves on their Kampanye Kurangi Dampak Lingkungan using the rubric that they have created as a whole class.
A link to the Languages Rubric Maker from Languages Online is suggested as a guide.
It is recommended that teachers preview websites to ensure they are suitable for their students prior to use in class. Content accessed via these links is not owned or controlled by Asia Education Foundation and is subject to the terms of use of the associated website. Teachers should check each of the video performances regarding their appropriateness prior to being viewed.
Daur ulang – Plastik – Gelas – Kaleng (aluminium) – Kertas/Karton Kompos Sampah
Daur ulang – Plastik – Gelas – Kaleng (aluminium) – Kertas/Karton Kompos Sampah
Daur ulang – Plastik – Gelas – Kaleng (aluminium) – Kertas/Karton Kompos Sampah