This teaching and learning sequence explores the ancient world of India with a particular focus on the Mauryan Empire. the edicts of King Ashoka and the Greek invasion of India.
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Australian Curriculum alignment
Learning area: History
Year level: Year 7
Country: India
General capability: Intercultural understanding
Content description: Contacts and conflicts within and/or with other societies, resulting in developments such as the expansion of trade, the rise of the Mauryan Empire (including its material remains), and the spread of philosophies and beliefs (ACDSEH046)
Elaboration: Examining the extent of Indian contact with other societies such as the Persians under Cyrus, the Macedonians under Alexander; the extensive trade with the Romans and Chinese; the material remains of the Mauryan Empire such as the Pillars of Ashoka and the Barabar Caves; the spread of Hinduism and Buddhism
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