BRIDGE International School Partnerships
Student + Youth Programs
Educator Professional Learning
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The Women in School Leadership (WISL) Program is a professional learning program for a select group of women principals in Victoria and Delhi. The 2023-24 program is part of Victoria’s India Strategy: Our Shared Future and is one of three school education initiatives enhancing engagement between Victorian and Indian schools. Running from August 2023 – May 2024, the program will support principals to engage in an online professional learning program and reciprocal immersion experiences in Delhi/Bangalore and Victoria.
The theme for the WISL Program in 2023-24 is Leading schools for social change with a focus on learning and wellbeing. This theme aligns to the Victorian Academy of Teaching and Leadership (VATL) Domain 1: Leading teaching, learning and well-being, and Framework for Improving Student Outcomes (FISO) 2.0 ‘student learning and well-being' central outcome. It also aligns to the Indian National Education Plan (NEP) pedagogical and curricular restructuring, aimed at promoting better learning, development, and wellbeing.
By participating in the program, Principals will develop:
The program is developed and delivered by Asia Education Foundation (AEF) in partnership with the Australia India Institute and Melbourne Graduate School of Education at the University of Melbourne, and the National Progressive School’s Conference and O.P. Jindal Global University in India.
At the conclusion of the program, Principals will have:
For all enquiries, please contact the WISL team at Asia Education Foundation via email:
Additional speakers will be announced over the coming weeks
Director, Centre for Interfaith and Cultural Dialogue, Griffith University
Strategic Partnerships Manager, Griffith Asia Institute
Professor of Islamic Studies at the School of Humanities, Languages and Social Sciences, Griffith University and the Director of the National Centre of Excellence for Islamic Studies (QLD Node)
Curatorial Manager of Asian and Pacific Art, Queensland Gallery of Modern Art and previously Director, 4A Centre for Contemporary Asian Art NSW
Diversity Coordinator, AFL Queensland
Adjunct Research Fellow, Griffith Centre for Social and Cultural Research
This workshop will introduce curriculum frameworks and classroom resources for intercultural understanding
Watch the video below to hear WISL Pilot Program participants reflect on the program and share their key takeaways.
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