Activity 3: Daily routine words
Total physical response
Teaching and learning goal: Students become familiar with the vocabulary for daily activities in Chinese.
Dimension(s): Listening and speaking
Teacher notes: Introduce the daily activities in the list provided by acting them out at the same time as saying them in Chinese. Ask students to mimic the actions and repeat the words in Chinese.
Then, say the word in Chinese without acting it out and ask students to act out what they think it is. Once all students have had a guess, act out the word to confirm their understanding.
'Minus one' game
Teaching and learning goal: Students practise vocabulary for daily activities in Chinese.
Teacher notes: Divide the class into seven groups. Cut up the daily activities list into strips and give each group one daily activity strip, a piece of A4 card and a packet of markers. Allow students about 10 minutes to create a drawing on the A4 card to represent that activity. Collect the drawings and hold each one up as a flashcard saying the Chinese word.
To play the 'Minus One' game, hold up one of the cards and say the word on the card as many times as you like (ideally, not more than 10 times). Students then repeat the word, paying attention to correct tones, the same amount of times minus one time. For example, if you say the word five times, students must repeat the word four times. If any student says the word too many times or not enough times, they must sit down. Any group that still has all members standing after going through all of the flashcards earn five points each. You can play a number of rounds of this game.
Daily activities interactive games
Teaching and learning goal: Students further practise vocabulary for daily activities in Chinese.
Dimension(s): Listening and reading
Teacher notes: Student independently complete the daily activities interactive games:
Activities matching game—Students listen to the activity in Chinese and select the corresponding English word to match.
Activities Tetris game—Students position the shapes into the grid, as in the game of Tetris, aiming to fill a line so that a line of blocks is deleted. After positioning four shapes, a quiz question will appear. Students read the Chinese (with pinyin above) and type the English translation. A new quiz question will appear after every four shapes. There are eight questions in total.
Daily activities charades
Teaching and learning goal: Students practise vocabulary for daily activities in Chinese.
Dimension(s): Speaking
Teacher notes: Ask students to spread out around the classroom. Select one of the daily activity words and act out the activity without speaking, as in the game of charades. Students raise their hand to guess which daily activity is being acted out. Select the student who had their hand up first and if the selected student answers correctly, they may take two large steps in any direction and 'tag' any student(s) within their reach. Any student who is tagged must sit down in their spot.
Select a student from those sitting down to become the 'leader' in your place. Hold out all of the picture cards (face down) in a fan arrangement and ask the leader to select one card without showing anyone. The leader then acts out the activity for students to guess and the above process is repeated. Repeat until there is one student remaining who has not been tagged. This student is the winner.
Talking about your daily routine
Teaching and learning goal: Students practise saying what time they do a particular activity.
Dimension(s): Listening and speaking
Teacher notes: Students watch the tutorial on how to say a particular activity at a particular time. Students can view the video at their own pace, pausing and replaying as required.
Following this, ask students to construct a sentence using this sentence pattern and share these with the class.
Invite students to construct one sentence each and say it aloud to the person sitting next to them.