Content description:
History: How the present, past and future are signified by terms indicating time such as 'a long time ago', 'then and now', 'now and then', 'old and new', 'tomorrow', as well as by dates and changes that may have personal significance, such as birthdays, celebrations and seasons (ACHHK029)
Geography: The location of the major geographical divisions of the world in relation to Australia (ACHGK009)
The connections of people in Australia to other places in Australia, the countries of the Asia region, and across the world (ACHGK012)
Health and Physical Education: Identify actions that promote health, safety and wellbeing (ACPPS006)
Practise strategies they can use when they feel uncomfortable, unsafe or need help with a task, problem or situation (ACPPS017)
Describe ways to include others to make them feel they belong (ACPPS019)
Identify and practise emotional responses that account for own and others' feelings (ACPPS020)
Chinese: Recognise that Chinese is a major community language in Australia (ACLCHU014)
Participate in class routines, structured conversations and activities using teacher-modelled tones and rhythms (ACLCHC001)
Reproduce the four tones and recognise how they can change the meaning of words (ACLCHU010)
Recognise Chinese characters as a form of writing and Pinyin as the spelled-out sounds of spoken Chinese (ACLCHU011)
Understand that Chinese sentences have a particular word order (ACLCHU012)
Notice aspects of Chinese language and culture that are 'new' or 'interesting', and observe how relationships influence language use and own identity (ACLCHC009)