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AEF Advocates

  • We are crossing borders…or are we?

    We are crossing borders…or are we?_Tile Image
    by User Not Found | Aug 30, 2021
    Ideas that the ‘uniqueness’ of study abroad programs lies in developing ‘global competence’ or providing cultural and language ‘immersion’ has been critiqued as goals that lack definition. In a COVID19 world, in which international travel is limited and border crossings are increasingly rare, education institutions have an opportunity to redefine international education and global competence.
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  • A Letter to Australia: The Asia-literacy conversation we’re not having

    A letter to Australia: The Asia-literacy conversation we're not having
    by User Not Found | May 20, 2021
    A new draft Australian Curriculum has been released for debate. In this open letter, Asia education expert Hamish Curry argues it is time for a genuine focus on how the education system facilitates Asian engagement at a time when our Asia literacy is falling to critical lows.
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  • Creativity and Crisis: Teaching Indonesian in Australian Schools

    by User Not Found | Mar 18, 2021
    Without Indonesian language skills and intercultural capability, Australians will struggle to navigate their relationship with one of Asia’s key players.
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  • Looking to Languages: New opportunities right on our doorstep

    by User Not Found | Feb 25, 2021
    As Australia adjusts to life in a new ‘COVID-normal’ in 2021, the realisation that the ways people around the world communicate, interact and collaborate has irrevocably changed, provides a timely impetus to pause and reflect what this means for languages.
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  • Navigating Intercultural Learning

    Navigating Intercultural Learning-Tile-January-2021
    by User Not Found | Jan 29, 2021
    Reaffirming the AEF's commitment to creating shared learning opportunities in education across Australia and Asia-Pacific, AEF Executive Director Hamish Curry shares the new AEF Strategy 2020-2023.
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  • A wiser world

    A wiser world
    by User Not Found | Jan 29, 2021
    2020 has been the most explicit example of ‘yin and yang’ – the ancient Chinese philosophy of dualism, where positive and negative forces flow with one another. Together they generate the kind of wisdom needed to understand the global perspectives of 2020. Read AEF Executive Director, Hamish Currys' 2020 year in Review.
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  • Are students ready to thrive in an interconnected world? 

    Are students ready to thrive in an interconnected world?
    by User Not Found | Oct 29, 2020
    Some may think that a focus on global competence is a distraction from the need for greater literacy and numeracy. Such narrow, selective perspectives ignore the interconnected world we live in and ways in which meaningful, relevant and contextual education works in tandem with foundational elements like literacy and numeracy.
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  • Partnerships during a Pandemic 

    by User Not Found | Sep 29, 2020
    School education partnerships continue to be active between Australia and the Asia-Pacific region despite the constraints of the COVID pandemic on schools.  These connections have been defined by three attributes: schools showing resilience in adapting and solving ways of communicating;  schools sustaining relationships as key to maintaining empathy and friendship and school networks showing resourcefulness in creating opportunities to learn from each other.
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  • Respecting everyone’s story

    by User Not Found | Aug 30, 2020
    In a recent study, AEF found that ‘Respect’ is the key-value identified in Australian primary schools. Collecting data from over 650 primary schools across Australia including remote, regional, suburban and inner-city postcodes, AEF spoke with a number of schools to better understand what valuing respect looks like in the school’s programs, its curriculum, and in school communities.
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  • Future Focused: AEF intercultural learning framework

    by User Not Found | Jul 30, 2020
    AEF has developed an Intercultural Learning (ICL) Framework across its programs to better identify and articulate the development of intercultural understanding and capability.
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