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AEF Advocates

  • A Year in Review 2016

    TN_Year in Review- 2016
    by User Not Found | Dec 21, 2016
    Executive Director, Kathe Kirby explores the achievements of The Asia Education Foundation in her 2016 Year in Review.
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  • Educating today’s minds for tomorrow’s challenges

    by User Not Found | Dec 08, 2016
    Executive Director, Kathe Kirby explores some of the recent publications by state bodies which describe the current trends of Indonesian language studies in schools across Australia.
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  • Are schools focused enough on the future?

    Blog_KK_Young Australians aren’t being prepared for our place in the world
    by User Not Found | Oct 05, 2016
    The recent report ‘Our diaspora’s got talent’, published by PwC found that Australia does have the talent to succeed in Asia, and we are not doing enough to foster, prepare and deploy this talent in the region. Director, Kathe Kirby explores the challenges, opportunities and strategies to better prepare young Australians for thier place in the world.
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  • A connected world: how to develop culturally competent students

    A connected world: How to develop culturally informed students
    by User Not Found | Aug 02, 2016
    Director, Lisa Hayman, explores the tools and techniques educators can use to ensure their students develop the capabilities required to navigate and harness the opportunities of our local and global communities.
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  • What Works: A template for action

    Blog_What Works
    by User Not Found | Jun 28, 2016
    AEF Executive Director explains the seven interrelated improvement levers that can enable students to learn about Australia’s place in the world, develop intercultural understanding and build Asia capability identified by the Asia Education Foundation.
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  • Saying 'Yes' to Languages Study in Years 11 and 12

    by User Not Found | May 23, 2016
    Speaking more than one language is a valuable asset for all young Australians in a globally connected world. In this blog we explore the ways we can encourage students to continue learning a language in their final year of school.
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  • Inspiring students to go global

    Indonesian kids-150
    by User Not Found | Apr 06, 2016
    Go Global Project Officer Emeline Gillingham explores the impact of 'student voice' initiatives on the development of global competencies. Describing the outcomes of recent Go Global programs, she illustrates how enabling learners to apply their skills to solve real world problems, empowers them to affect positive change beyond the classroom.
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  • Critical thinking can help students become better global citizens

    by User Not Found | Mar 22, 2016
    Critical thinking is an essential component of life in the information age. It enables students to differentiate between fact and fiction, respectfully challenge information in the media, and debate complex cultural topics with confidence.
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  • Developing responsible global citizens

    Teachers holding Asialink Indonesia Country Starter Pack_150
    by User Not Found | Feb 25, 2016
    Senior Project Officer, Bonnie Hermawan explores the importance for teachers to develop their intercultural understanding to be able to better educate young Australians in schools.
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  • How to lead change on Intercultural Understanding

    Faces of Diversity_150
    by User Not Found | Feb 19, 2016
    Intercultural Understanding is an important part of living in the twenty-first century. It helps students become responsible local and global citizens, interacting and engaging with others in a respectful way.
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