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Asia and Australia's engagement with Asia

In the Australian Curriculum: English, the priority of Asia and Australia's engagement with Asia provides rich and engaging contexts for developing students' abilities in listening, speaking, reading, viewing and writing.

The Australian Curriculum: English enables students to explore and appreciate the diverse range of traditional and contemporary texts from and about the peoples and countries of Asia, including texts written by Australians of Asian heritage. It enables students to understand how Australian culture and the English language have been influenced by the many Asian languages used in Australian homes, classrooms and communities.

From Australian Curriculum: English cross-curriculum priorities 

Content relating to Asia is identified – and therefore searchable – in the Australian Curriculum: English.

To identify the opportunities of where to include Asia content, view or download the sample map of Asia opportunities in the Australian Curriculum: English.

Illustration of practice

Video of Dr Julie Hamston from the Melbourne Graduate School of Education discussing how to embed the Asia priority in the Australian Curriculum: English.


Video: AEF

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