What is an Asia-focused History curriculum?
The Australian Curriculum for History provides opportunities for students to learn explicit content about Asia.
Students learn about the importance of the traditions, beliefs and celebrations of peoples from the Asia region and through the study of ancient societies, trade, conflicts, progressive movements and migration to Australia by people from Asia.
Asia and Australia's engagement with Asia in the Australian Curriculum: History.
Learning opportunities
The Australian Curriculum for History provides young Australians with the opportunity to learn about:
Family life across the countries of Asia | Religious festivals such as Ramadan and Buddha Day |
Celebrations such as Chinese New Year, Moon Festival | Trade between Macassans and the Yolgnu people |
Reasons why Chinese migrated to Australia | Vietnam War |
Ancient India 60,000 BC (BCE) – c.650 AD (CE) | Ancient China 60,000 BC (BCE)– c.650 AD (CE) |
Angkor/Khmer Empire c.802 – c.1431 | Japan under the Shoguns c.794 – c.687 |
Mongol Expansion c.1206 – c.1368 | Asia and the Modern World 1750 – 1918 |
Modern World and Australia 1918 – present |
Video: AEF