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Professional Learning

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Professional learning opportunities

A number of online and face-to-face professional learning opportunities are available to support Asian language teachers.

Study programs Online professional learning communities Teach Meets

AEF develops and delivers programmes designed for primary and secondary school teachers, school leaders and other education professionals, in partnership with education jurisdictions, teacher professional associations and education institutions across Australia.

Illustrations of practice

What works 7 Study Programmes to Asia  Lessons learned, research design and case studies from past study programmes.

Read Case Study 3 about an Indonesian teacher’s study program  to Indonesia experience which brought authentic perspectives and deeper intercultural understanding.

A number of online portals exist that provide teachers with easy access to online resources that are mapped to the Australian Curriculum.

Asia EdNet – email discussion group

#AEF#chat – AEF-led Twitter chat covering Asia-related education topics

AFMLTA - the Australian Foreign Modern Languages Teachers Association has a range offerings

Language enthusiasts  and educators  get together to discuss topics of interest via Twitter using the #langchat  hashtag.

Scootle – Asia literacy community of practice. Search and access a range of online resources to support teaching an Asia inclusive primary curriculum.

Go to the Scootle Community space for networks for Languages teachers

TeachMeets are face-to-face meetings where teachers share good practice, practical ideas and personal insights into teaching. These forums provide an opportunity for language teachers to initiate professional learning conversations with their peers.

TeachMeetAsia focus on school programmes, learning and teaching, and the use of technologies that support Asia literacy.

Teachmeet[Aus] promotes upcoming TeachMeets in each state.

Illustration of practice

View teachers talking about their experiences  and the value of  participating in TeachMeet Melbourne [AITSL]

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