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Professional Learning

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Heathmont College VIC

Sector: Government
School level: Secondary
Partner school: SMPN1 Karangmojo, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Key learning areas and year levels: Years 7–12 Indonesian language

Heathmont College has systematically and purposefully incorporated web technologies such as Skype, Wikispace and Edmodo into the design and delivery of its Indonesian curriculum.

Skype has emerged as a favourite method of communication for students and teachers due its collaborative nature. The Skype sessions are carefully prepared with defined topics, grammar, vocabulary and purposeful, focused conversations.

Heathmont's Year 12 students have been working on their Victorian Certificate of Education detailed study topic on drug abuse amongst Indonesian teenagers. To ensure authentic learning experiences, students have been practising their conversations with both the students and the teachers from their Indonesia BRIDGE School Partnership Programme, who offer conversation practice and advice on grammar, proverbs, current Indonesian laws, slogans and government efforts on drug abuse. Heathmont students have spent many lunch sessions having one-on-one lessons with the Indonesian teachers.

In such tasks, the separation between countries and schools becomes small, paving the way to 'borderless classrooms'. Students comment that it is like 'actually sitting in a classroom in Indonesia!' With resources such as these available, learning can be more authentic, creative, innovative and collaborative.


Image: AEF

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